Att: Skip,
    I am replying to your personal public slander of me, which leaves me
no option but to reply in the same public forum, although this would not
be my choice.
I would prefer to deal with you personally.
Sorry to bore the rest of the PDML members.  No I am not the bad
defrauding person that has prompted you to warn others of my
un-substantiated mis-deeds.
If your aim was to hurt me or get even for some perceived wrong-doing,
then you have certainly accomplished your goal.
The following points give my side of the story:
1)    April 3, you wrote to PDML "The way he dropped from 150 to 115 for
such a pristine SF1N body so very quickly, and then offered a "wild"
lens to up the amount again, really put me off...  While it looked like
a good buy, I was never sure it was authentic"
    -  On Tuesday March 27 I listed the camera body at 150usd (or best
You told me on Thursday March 29, that you had seen an excellent SF1N
body for sale on KEH for 133 USD and you offered to pay me 115, I did
not quickly drop the price but agreed with your price of 115 USD.
    - This "wild" lens was manufactured in Japan under license from
Zeiss-Jena back
in the mid sixties with a pentax mount. As an after-thought I offered
the Zeiss lens w/UV filter and two replacement lithium batteries to you
at 105 USD extra.
     -You advised me that you would need to check out the Zeiss lens
with a friend and you are not sure that you want to purchase it and if
you buy the complete package then it would have to be an escrow type of
    - That weekend I accepted a local offer for the body w/Zeiss lens
and on Monday I informed you that the camera and lens are no longer for

2) On April 2 you wrote to PDML "I mean after all a brand new SF1N and a
Zeiss-Jena 28-80 zoom f1.4-5(???) lens (which a knowledgeable person has
told me that he never knew Zeiss-Jena made a zoom), with a skylight
filter thrown in too, for only $100.00 more?" and "Just don't go and
offend this cat by mentioning escrow transactions and you should be ok!
And his address, given only after being requested, Western Canada, is
not that big a place, right?  Should be able to track him down easily if
you should get shafted, right?"
   - The camera was not "brand new" and at 115usd I considered it a fair
    - A similar Zeiss-Jena zoom lens is presently listed on e-bay at
85usd therefore I consider the 100usd to be a fair price.
    - I was not offended by being asked to make it an escrow deal.
    - My address was at the bottom of the listing to PDML on Tuesday
March 27
    - No, Western Canada is a fairly big place, about 1/3 the area of
the USA.
    You must be American, is it true that geography (outside of the USA)
is not
    a required school subject? (sorry if I offended you, but I find your

    observation about the size of Western Canada quite humourous)
    - And then what would you do once you tracked me down, if in fact I
am the
    bad guy you make me out to be?? (just kidding Skip, pleeeeeeease
don't write
    another slanderous letter to PDML, you scare me)

3) On April 2 you wrote to PDML, "Now I'm not saying anything was wrong
Mr Bill Visser's deal. No. But I'd just thought I'd mention it to other
PDML members"
    - If there was nothing wrong with my deal, then what was the purpose
of your
    slanderous assault??
    - One of the PDML members (Gerald Sermak) wrote recently and I
    "There is nothing wrong or illegal about sharing your business
experiences and
    leaving it up to the reader to draw his own conclusions. The illegal
comes when
    you start to slander the individual/business by injecting your own
    without supporting evidence"

3) On April 2 you wrote to PDML "I don't know now. Maybe I was wrong in
reporting my transactions the way I did. It's true the deal just didn't
feel right
to me... I was (and am now) not wanting to hurt any ones reputation.  I
was trying to warn others about a possible (and only possible) danger.
Perhaps I could've been
    - THE FACT IS THAT YOU DID HURT MY REPUTATION.  The question now is,
WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?  A a public apology is in order.

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