Thanks! Glad you liked it!

I never though of marsmallows that way, but this soft, thick, new snow was something I loved as a child (now I had to remove it just to find my parents house, so I hated it :-)


På 6. mar. 2004 kl. 10.33 skrev Tanya Mayer Photography:

That is amazing!

What an absolutely phenomenal shot!

It looks like a great big soft marshmallow!

That is SUCH an optical illusion! I saw that you used a 50mm lens, and I
honestly thought that it was something small (like the size of a
marshmallow), and that the tree to the side was actually a part of a stick
that you had placed there!

I am amazed, what a thought provoking, technically superb (nothing blown out
ANYWHERE, amongst all of that white!), and creative shot.

Thanks so much for sharing it Dag T. LOVE it....!


-----Original Message-----
From: Dag T [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, 6 March 2004 6:27 PM
Subject: Re: PAW #3 - Winter

Does it matter :-)

It is a tree and a round table with about 50cm snow on top of it...


På 6. mar. 2004 kl. 09.17 skrev Tanya Mayer Photography:


cool pic, but what the heck is it??


-----Original Message-----
From: Dag T [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, 6 March 2004 4:59 PM
Subject: PAW #3 - Winter

I shouldn´t, because I haven´t had time to look at your photos, but....


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