Most of my "lust list" doesn't quite exist:

Canon 200/1.8 EF to fit my Nikon D1h orPentax A* 200/2.8 to fit my Nikon D1h.

Olympus 21/2.0 to fit my Nikon D1h, or that Pentax 20/1.4 that they
prototyped but didn't produce.

85/1.4 Nikkor with SWM internal motor.

Pentax LX that takes Nikon MD-4 motor drive and has normal strap lugs.

Full-frame DSLR that takes pentax screw mount lenses 
(which does exist, in the form of the EOS1Ds with an adapter)

K105/2.8, K150/4, K18/3.5, K15/3.5, all of which might as well not have
existed based on how hard they are to find, and expensive.

SMC-T 500/4.5, SMC-T 15/3.5 (ditto)

Pentax K200/2.5 (which exists, and I could theoretically afford, but I
can't justify).

And there's the quest for a 20mm pentax K-mount lens, which has been 
pre-empted by the needs of my Ford Escort.


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