B & W works much better here I think.  The bus is less distracting in this
mode.  You guys were right before about it needing to be there to tell the
story, but if it could be toned down some.  Maybe lighten the picture a bit
to get better shadow detail and burn the bus.  My focus is on what I can't
see, which is the little girls face.  I didn't blow it up, but the image
gives me a desire to see the emotion on the little girls face if that detail
exists.  Perhaps it has it's own value in my imagination being stirred to

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2004 5:32 AM
Subject: Re: OT: B&W or Colour - Maybe a WOW?

Hi Frank.
The colour one looks plain to me,nothing really snaps out.However the B&W
one makes it
look a little
more like a picture(dont ask me to explain that last comment,i'm not sure
what i
mean.lol)Seeing as
how the shadows are not really dark black,a little more detail in that area
might help.


                                > Hi,
> Some of you may recall that I posted this to mixed reviews (being
> <g>) several weeks or a month ago:
> http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=2111661
> Any thoughts on seeing it in b&w?
> http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=2129161
> You like better?  Worser?  Both equally mediocre?  <g>
> I'm still not sure about this image, but there's something about it that I
> feel I can say if it's reworked the right way.  Maybe with a WOW?
> Thanks,
> frank
> "The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds.  The
> fears it is true."  -J. Robert Oppenheimer
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