On 16/3/04, FRANK disgorged:

>I don't know what ad/spyware is, but I've got Realplayer in the 'puter that 
>I use.
>What a freaking PIA!  Everytime I put on a music CD to listen to whilst I 
>type away, Realplayer pops up, whether I want to use it or not (I usually 
>just delete it immediately).  It then, obviously, sends information to some 
>unseen source of evil, and a pretty picture of the CD that I'm playing pops 
>up, along with reviews of the disc, along with other discs by that artist, 
>along with a pleasant invitation to download stuff, along with adverts that 
>I don't want to see.
>While all of this is going on, whatever else I'm doing runs real slow, until 
>I let the Realplayer window open completely, then delete, all of which takes 
>several minutes.  And, I have to go through this every time I put on another 

Strange. I have Realone Player for Macintosh vers 9.0 and none of this
happens. If I click on a video link, it downloads a small file of just a
few kilobytes and I double-click on that to start the video streaming. If
I play a CD, it doesn't open at all. Perhaps you have to go into Real
prefs and uncheck the 'open when inderting a CD' box?

>Is that what adware/spyware is?  I really don't like the fact that someone 
>somewhere knows what music I listen to.  Lord knows what they're doing with 
>that information.  And what's wrong with listening to Brittney Spears 
>anyway?  (oops, went too far with that info <g>).
>BTW, Cotty, I did manage to look at a video on the Coroner's Inquest on the 
>Beeb, but maybe it was the wrong one?  I didn't see you in it I don't think.

Top right on this page - at 33 seconds in, during the pan of the court...


I'm in the background somewhere - to be honest I couldn't see myself on
my measly dial up connection (the quality is crap) but I knew I was there :-)


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