On Fri, 19 Mar 2004 23:33:23 -0500, you wrote:
>The are also 28/3.5, 85/2, 135/3.5, 50/1.7, 300/2.8 A* and 400/5.6 lenses
>being offered.  The last two are priced at $299 each.  The lenses all appear
>to be in EX+ or better condition.
>Any advice would be much appreciated.

Get the 300/2.8 A*, it is a genuine bargain for $299.  Then find a
Pentax 1.7x AF Adapter for about a hundred bucks, and voila you will
have an excellent semi-autofocus 510mm/f5 lens.  It should even work
fine with the *istD.

I wouldn't spend $299 on a Pentax 400/5.6, not even the newest
version, unless I had a buyer already lined up for it.

John Mustarde

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