They may be using different definitions of what is concidered to be sharp.  Pentax 
uses a circle of confusion (CoC) being 0,035mm.  If The Industar lens uses a larger 
CoC it may explain the difference.  Otherwise it may not be exactly 50mm... 

> Fra: "Boris Liberman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello.
> Few days ago I received my own pancake lens. This is probably the 
> cheapest one - Industar 50-2 (50mm f/3.5) lens. I've been told that 
> being relatively slow and being based on classic Tessar formula, it 
> should be reasonably good optic... 
> Anyway... I've compared the readings of DOF scale of this lens and my 
> M 50/2.0. Thankfully, it has proper DOF scale unlike modern FA 50/1.7 
> that I also have. Industar has considerably bigger (right term?) DOF 
> for the same aperture. I cannot give the exact numbers, as I am in my 
> office.
> Nonetheless, I am confused - how can that be? I've been told that if 
> the lens has less elements (Industar is 4 lenses in 3 groups, if I am 
> not mistaken), then it presumably should have a bigger DOF.
> Please help me out on this one.
> Confused in Tel Aviv.
> Boris

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