

>Bill said
> Found this on a back up CD from 4 years ago.
> Once in a while I am organized....
> William Robb
> The following is an excerpt from: "MANUAL FILL FLASH FOR DUMMIES"
> Copyright 1993, 1999, 2000 By Suda Mafud
> Copyright 1993 By Matt Greene
> [finding correct flash to subject distance]
>    &
> [finding correct apertures]
> MANUAL FILL FLASH [when needing to determine the correct aperture]
> *Set flash sync
> *Take ambient reading
> *Divide ambient reading f/stop into flash GN to establish correct
> flash to subject distance.  The results = "bright" [1 to 1] fill.
> *Moving the flash back exactly HALF the "bright" fill distance gives
> [2 to 1] "normal" fill.
> *Moving the flash back exactly TWICE the "bright" distance gives [3
> to 1] fill.
> *Example:  Ambient f/stop = f/16  Guide Number = 130 / = 8.125 \
>  Example:  Ambient f/stop = f/11  Guide Number = 180 / = 16.363 FEET.
>  Example:  Ambient f/stop = f/5.6 Guide Number = 120 / = 21.42 /
> MANUAL FILL FLASH [when needing to establish a correct shooting
> aperture]
> *When you know the precise flash to subject distance, use this:
> *Set flash sync
> Divide the flash Guide Number by the known flash to subject distance
> to find the proper aperture.
> *Example: Guide Number = 140/flash to subject distance = 15
> *140 divided by 15 = 9.33 or f/9.5
> *Example: Guide Number = 175/flash to subject distance = 20
> *175 divided by 20 = 8.75 or f/8 or f/9.5
> Copyright 1993-1997 by Matt Greene
> Zawadi Imaging & Media
> All rights reserved


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