Hi all

First off, many thanks to those who offered advice.  Apologies if this reply 
is misplaced, I am subscribed to the digest and it sometimes gets a bit 
confusing as to who replying and whee I should be replying to.

I have one quick question to Tom, who kindly went through quite a bit 
regarding flash:
>> I understand that I can manually set the 
>> camera 2 stops underexposed and set the flash exposure to 2 
>> stops over, 

>Well, you could do that, but your shots would have 2 stops too much flash.

I'm confused as to why I'd be exposing incorrectly on this - if I deliberately 
ask the camera to underexpose ambient by two stops,  and after that simply ask 
the flash to take this setting and add two stops to it (at least that's my 
assumption of what +2 flash comp would do), wouldn't that therefore be the 
correct exposure?  The only way I can see this not being the case is if the 
flash TTL exposure takes absolutely no notice of the camera exposure settings, 
and simply works out what it thinks is best, in which case my two stops flash 
compensation would indeed be two stops overexposure.  If anyone can fill me in 
on this (pun not intended) I'd really be very grateful.

I think, on the balance of it, I may just have to go with ambient light as 
it's patently obvious I don't really understand how flash works, and I'd 
rather have slightly soft, grainy pictures (ISO 3200 film) than shots of 
drummers looking like startled bunnies in car headlights.

After having seen how Frank's shots came out, I'd be more than happy with 
anything looking like those (http://www.photo.net/photodb/folder?
folder_id=383331 for those who haven't got the link from the previous 
message).  Unfortunately I have a student lighting engineer who seems to enjoy 
using rear lighting a bit too much for my liking, so there are few (if any) 
kickers lighting the face.  That would be one area where I might just have a 
crack with some standard fill flash - in which case I'll just turn on the 
flash with no compensation and leave it entirely to it's own devices.

Someone suggested a Pz-1 and 500FTZ combo, well I can borrow a Pz-1 but I'm 
stuck with the 400FTZ unfortunately - limited funds mean everything is bought 
used as and where it turns up.  Is it reasonable to suggest that Pentax have 
made this balancing ambient and flash thing unnecessarily difficult to do with 
the MZ series (to recap, I have an MZ-3 and 400FTZ)?

By the way, what's PUG and PAW?

Thanks for all your comments, the battle of the bands is tonight and I've just 
realised I'm down to 2 fast films.  I'll let you know how I get on, and will 
try to get the photos up somewhere.



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