----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ramesh Kumar"
Subject: Re: Wideangle lens choice

> --- William Robb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yes, lens should be able to work on my 35mm film
> camera too.

That lets out any of the D lenses.
> >
> > Light fall off with the istD wouldn't be so much of
> > a problem, since
> > most of the fall off will be outside the sensor
> > anyway.
> > Most Pentax lenses aren't the greatest wide open.
> I do not think I will be shooting wide open, usage
> will be mostly above f8.

That should take care of the sharpness issues.

> My another concern with these 15mm lenses it, they may
> not be able to take normal filters due to bulby front
> element.

A very valid concern.

> Are there any 17mm altarnatives, even third party is
> ok fo me? 17mm lenses does not seem to have this
> filter issue.

Check out some of the third partly lenses. Both Tokina and Tamron are
making excellent lenses. I have an older Tokina 17mm, not an
excellent lens, but certainly passable. A friend has an older Tamron
17 that is very good indeed.
I don't think that you would especially need an AF lens with this
focal length, as at f/8 depth of field will be from within arms reach
to infinity anyway, so all you really need to look for is a decent
manual focus lens, preferably with an A setting, or if you can find
an AF lens at a good price, then that would be good also.

William Robb

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