On Fri, 26 Mar 2004 21:06:24 -0500, you wrote:
>DSLRs will outsell film SLRs this year.
>if not this year, they certainly will next year.

With all the Digital Rebels and other Canons and Nikon DSLRs out
there, you'd think I'd be seeing them out and about.  I was walking
along the San Diego harbor near the Star of India and Maritime Museum
last Thursday evening.  There were people everywhere.  Half of them
had a digicam of some sort, and they were all doing the digicam
stiff-arm salute (camera at arms length examining the LCD screen for

... but only two people had a DSLR - me and another guy.  Guess what
brand?  100% Pentax! We both had an *istD!  

John Mustarde

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