There seems to be an argument over how to pay for the webspace . . .

. . . Faction A wants the PDML users to donate.
. . . Faction B wants users of PUG to donate.
. . . Faction C wants users of PUG to be charged to submit.

Personally, I see choice C as too overbearing. The whole idea behind the PUG is that anyone can submit, and there are those who would find submitting money in any form on a monthly basis to be a pain in the a$$. We American's and Europeans have a variety of ways to do this as it seems our banks talk to each other nicely, but others do not. THIS IS NOT THE PHILOSOPHY OF PUG (imho).

Choices A & B are both good choices. They allow the users of PUG to also be the payers of it. Additionally I think if we select them both, then we'll have revenue coming out of our ears. Just remember, the idea of this is not to be making money. PUG should be non-profit, or it might cause people taxation problems. So my suggestion is to have a page for PUG Benefactors with a listing of names and perhaps even ranking them by contribution amount. Then have the information on how to donate funds to PUG. Anyone can donate and they can donate at any time of year.

Just my .02
IL Bill

P.S. I can be counted on for a small donation once this is all decided.

P.P.S. Doesn't it seem strange the decision was put up to an entire group of individuals? I think we've lost sight of who is making the decision that governs the PUG. Who is that right now? The PUGmiesters?

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