Hi Fairy,
Some beautiful pictures here. I particularly love the BW of the grouped
flowers, the flower toppling over in the vase, and the baby on the
cloud. (I guess I'm a softy.) Many other good shots as well. Nice work.

Tanya & Russell Mayer wrote:
> Hi all, well, I have had an incredibly busy past couple of days, I have been
> shooting my butt off (no crass remarks, thanks! ;-) )
> So I wanted to show you all what I have been up to.  The following link will
> take you to my "newest stuff" folder on Photo.net.  The stuff shot this past
> weekend begins with and includes the landscape shots.
> http://www.photo.net/photodb/folder?folder_id=108928
> So, these are my first instalment in the "Fairygirl's Fairy Pics"
> archive....  Anybody else got some fairy pics?
> One more thing, a while back, somebody was asking about various softener
> type filters and I suggested the use of pantihose over the lens.  Well, to
> show the effect, here are two examples.  The first is with the stocking (I
> used white and just tied it straight over my lens), the second is without.
> Basically, it just reduces the contrast, and almost "dulls" the shot to an
> extent, but I like the effect, particularly when used in a context such as
> "fairy" type pics.  Oh yeah, here are the links:
> With stocking -
> http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=199151&size=lg
> Without -
> http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=199152&size=lg
> Both shots taken same camera (PZ-20), same lens (SMC -FA 35-80mm zoom that
> came with my PZ-20), same film (TCN 400) same exposure (f4, 1/90 sec),
> within about 30 seconds of each other.
> BTW, I made the costume (wings, headpiece, tutu, wand) earlier on that
> morning....aren't I clever! hehe.  Gonna make some adult wings tonight, I'll
> post the results...
> Anyways, lemme know what you all think...
> Oh, yeah, what do you all think of the sunset/landscape shots? They were my
> first ever attempt at landscapes, I asked the lab to do as little colour
> adjustment as possible and this was the result.  I love the colours
> (composition leaves a lot to be desired, I know...), but I think they are ok
> for a first attempt....  Shot with Reala 100 by the way.
> Thanks in advance, and please enjoy...
> fairy.
> -
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