On Wed, 21 Apr 2004, Peter Loveday wrote:

> The 'Pie Floater' is a pie, upside down, in pea soup, not mushy peas or
> anything, but actual soup.  And it soaks in to the crust, and of course you
> have lots of sauce on it... delicious.  Mmmm.... wonder if the pie vans
> still on north tce this time of night :)

Aha, that's different from pie and mushy peas innit? I always wondered
where they got the 'floater' part of the name from - thought it was
artistic licence :-)

I saw a programme with the comedian Billy Connoly a few years ago where he
extolled the virtues of a pie floater bought from a van on the waterfront
of some big city in Oz (sorry, can't recall which one tho).


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