> >From dpreview, a full summary someone has posted:
> I've collected the important specifications info & included it in the
> list, 
> together with the prices via http://www.NexTag.com as of today: 

[list omitted to save space]

> Well, best choices depend on what you want and already have. 
> E.g. if you got a notebook, then you don't need big LCD on device, 
> and neither CD Recorder if you got one in notebook, 

That depends on whether you carry your notebook everywhere. I don't
(it's too large, too heavy, and too power-hungry for that).  I am
considering buying a FlashTrax to put in the pocket of my photo vest,
although I'm a little concerned that it too is overly power-hungry.

Even if you have a notebook with a CD burner, you might still want
to consider a copy-to-CD unit; if you are using your notebook as an
editing station for immediate image use you don't want to try burning
a CD at the same time.

> I think any serious field photographer should have two devices: 
> 1. Small and light 12" tablet PC with DVD recorder for final backups 
> 2. Smallest and lightest portable HD based device for field usage 

A 12" screen certainly isn't all that great for an editing station.
I'm still not convinced that a tablet PC works as a general-purpose
notebook replacement.  It's great for some things, but I think that
the compromises made to keep them small and light take away too much.
And, of course, they do cost quite a bit more.

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