Marcus -

The B/W photo at the top of this page - - was originally shot on
Fuji Reala.  Scroll down to see the original.  The neg was scanned at the
time of printing on a Fuji Frontier.  I did some manipulation in Photoship
Elements to reduce the brightness range and try to get more detail in the
sunlit grass and headstones, then converted to B/W and tweaked the
brightness/contrast a little more.  I haven't had it printed on photographic
paper, but the print from my inkjet was more than acceptable.

If you decide to have B/W prints done by a lab directly from color negs, I
would recommend asking if they can print to paper with an emulsion that
returns B/W rather than just manipulating the color channels on the printer
to get B/W on standard color paper.  Kodak makes this paper - don't know
about other manufacturers.  Use these links for further information.

B/W -

Sepia -

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Markus Maurer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2004 10:54 PM
Subject: converting color photos for black and white

> Hi Pentax users
> I' am playing with the idea of making some black and white enlargements in
> the size of 24X36cm of older color photos, sadly most are from fast ISO
> 200-400 negative color film, so I expect some real visible grain.
> What's your experience with conversions from color to black and white and
> should I just let the lab do it from the color negatives or photos  or try
> scanning the color pictures or negatives (if I still have them) and
> manipulate them on the computer. I have the software to do so but really
> much experience with that. What loss of quality do I have to expect?
> The computer would be nice because I can preview everything and crop the
> image myself, on the other side, my scanning equipment is not that
> professional to scan negatives very well.
> thanks
> Markus

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