frank theriault wrote:
> At the end of April, I shot a few more rolls of my friend Jennifer, and her
> group, Pirate Jenny.  This time I used TMax 3200 (I find it very grainy,
> moreso than Neopan 1600 pushed). 

> So, here's 3 photos from the concert:

Frank - nice mood here - my browser got cranky
after I saw this one (the first shot)
and wouldn't go past it... anyway ....  

I hate the way the photo net comments thing is set
up. to wit:

                    Viewed 0 times with 0 ratings
                    Aesthetics None Originality
None (Ratings shown only to owner until there are
  Exposure Date

Obviously, more than one person has viewed the
and while it states that the ratings are shown
only to the photog until
there are 5, the way it says "aesthetics none
originality none" sure looks like a critique,
doesn't it?  Even the "ratings shown only to owner
until there are 5"  - gee most of the
stuff I've seen on photonet is ratingless. 

Aside from my tendancy to procrastinate, that's
one of the reasons I haven't put anything on
photonet yet.
(by now I've forgotten my password, too. ) 

ann the thin-skinned

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