> > It seems like you metered the water for the exposure.  A
> > cokin red gradual
> > filter could have darkened up the sky and brought out some
> > clouds as well as
> > darkened the buildings.
> Ah yes, red filters. Folks on the list have heard my sob story about how
> I left all my new Cokin filters on the Brooklyn Bridge last year. I
> haven't gotten around to replacing them yet. :)

Sorry to hear about the trajik loss of your Cokin filters. One can only hope
that they are being put to good use.

> > IMHO, I would like to see the sky
> > burned (on an
> > enlarger in a darkroom of course.) in the first image.
> Aha, now I finally have a good reason to take a darkroom course. :)

After that course, you'll a good reason to build a darkroom in your own
home!  :D

> Anyway, glad you like the image. Thanks for your comments and welcome to
> the list!

Thanks for the welcome Amita!



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