Dave Brooks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Great shot, Gianfranco. I like these type of street scene's.
It looks like you got a great
> exposure,lots of 
> detail in the shadowy areas.
> Gives me a sense that the street just keeps on going up the
> Oh and sorry about the car.

Hi Dave,

Thank you very much for the appreciation!
A lot of the merit wrt the exposure goes to the film...
My scan is more contrasty than the original print (which was
defective, though: the lab had a problem with the digital
printing so that the  RGB channels were slightly separated on
the print; I had to separate the channels, shift the red and
green ones a bit and then merge them again). The AGFA printer of
the lab applies a digital mask that opens up the shadows while
burning the lights a little. Sometimes it works, and the results
are wonderful; other times it does a bad job (luckily this is
not the case...)



PS: the car is fine, now, but, when it begins acting like that
(second time in a year), it is maybe time to think about
purchasing a new one... 


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