Well, if ever there was a case of eating humble pie, this is it.

I hereby and utterly retract and nullify any and all of the following
what I wrote:


>When I see a portrait like some of those shown, with heads chopped off,
>or tops of heads cropped, I wonder why, but can't make any sense of why
>it would have been done, because the only person I can relate to is
>myself, in that situation. I ask myself, 'Self (for it is me), would you
>chop off a head?' And I reply, 'No, Self, I would not'. Therefore, it
>makes no sense to me, and ipso facto it becomes nonesensical to me, and
>therefore I deem it nonesense.

I just had another look at the web page, and realised my mistake, and the
web page's mistake.

In my haste, I only looked at the index page, which shows the thumbnails.
A lot of them seem to show cropped versions of the originals - hence the
chopped heads to which I refer above. I was so much in a hurry, i didn't
even click on a single thumbnail to examine it further - and so didn't
give myself a chance to examine the beautiful details within.

The portraits are really nice - with good framing and nice spontaneity.
They are not nonesense at all - I like the style.

If I had taken the time to look at the few earlier, I would now not have
to be munching the pie.

Sorry Graywolf, about turn. They are not pretentious, they are very
nicely done and I am totally embarrassed to say that I made a big mistake
by shooting my mouth off 'before all the facts are in' (as George C Scott
 - Major Buck Turgidson - says in Dr. Strangelove).

Apologies for the confusion.


||   (O)   |     People, Places, Pastiche

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