I'm sure that the auto sensitivity setting on the *ist D would be really
handy for some folk in some situations, but I just spent about an hour
looking for the reboot button on my *ist D 'cause the damned thing would
only shoot at 3200 ISO. What the hells going on here I think to
myself...who has been sleeping in my bed (oops, wrong list). 

Then, when it slowly crept into my fuzzy Saturday morning brain that I
should check some settings.
I remembered about the auto sensitivity setting and turned it off. Don't
know how it got on in the first place, but thankfully it rectified my
problem (well, one of them anyway). 

Talk about an electronic PIA. I thought I had 'shorted' something when I
changed all the batteries earlier this morning. 

Everyone has their moments I suppose, and today I am definitely not the
sharpest knife in the block....<VBG>!!




Dr. Shaun Canning
Cultural Heritage Services
11 Lawrence Way
Karratha, Western Australia, 



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