The scratch disk may well be the single most important factor in running PhotoShop, more important perhaps than processor speed. Like I said before, a fast 50 gig or so chunk of firewire drive will make PhotoShop fly. It's wort the investment.
On May 15, 2004, at 6:00 PM, Shawn K. wrote:

What's going on apparently has something to do with the difference between a
program designed to handle 8bit images and on designed to handle 16bit
images, but they can certainly do better than that it seems. I noticed the
same thing you have, I've had TONS of problems with the scratch disk filling
up that I never had with PS 7.0.


-----Original Message-----
From: Shel Belinkoff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 6:34 PM
Subject: OT: Photoshop CS

Hi Gang ...

Last night I loaded a trial copy of PS CS and noticed that when I loaded a
16-bit greyscale image of about 40MB, the scratch disk figures showed as
640mb/1.35gb, When I loaded the same photo into PS 7.0, the figures showed
as 86.5mb/1.35gb.

What's going on here? After making a few adjustments I ran out of memory.
Checking the prefs in both applications, showed them to be identical for
all practical purposes.

Is the new version REALLY such a memory hog? Where might that memory have
gone? How might it be recovered? The trial version has some non-standard
help features and tutorials. Might that be the problem?

Shel Belinkoff

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