Well, there are certainly less chance of deliberate security holes.


Anders Hultman wrote:


How can any open source operating system be hack proof, except in the
sense that you do not need to hack it as you can just read the source?

Having the source code is like having the blueprints to the fortress. If the walls really are impenetrable and there are no abandoned tunnels to sneak in through, well, then you can't get in, with ever so detailed a map in your hands.

Nothing is hack proof of course, but open source software is more secure since there is a bigger chance that security holes are discovered by "white hat hackers" reading the source code, and then fixed. And if the software vendor doesn't bother to fix it, someone else will.

med dagens bild och allt!

-- graywolf http://graywolfphoto.com/graywolf.html

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