Shawn, you cannot install any software on OSX unless you enter the Admin password - therefore by design a virus cannot install and run itself which is the big problem with Windows.


On 18 May 2004, at 19:33, Shawn K. wrote:

Its not a matter of examples antonio, its a matter of computers having
certain essential qualities. You cannot "by design" eliminate even virii!!
If a person opens a piece of software, sent to them by whatever means, and
they run it on their computer, you can't design that out!! 99.99% of todays
spyware is installed BY THE USER!! You cannot eliminate that "by design" or
you would be eliminating the functionality of the OS. Not to mention that
many cookies track users... There is simply no way to COMPLETELY secure a
computer without making functionality sacrifices. I guarantee you that OSX
has flaws in it, and if enough people cared to exploit those flaws, they
would be found and eploited. Its the nature of software to have flaws.
Even UNIX has flaws, and OSX is based on UNIX so no doubt OSX has flaws as


-----Original Message-----
From: Antonio Aparicio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 1:59 PM
Subject: Re: Anyone still using windows ME

Ok, I am open to being wrong. Could yo point me to some examples?


On 18 May 2004, at 18:58, John Francis wrote:

"As far as I am aware there is no spy-ware nor viruses on OSX. I believe that is by design."

GAHHHHHHH  Sorry, Antonio, but you are completely and utterly wrong
on this


-----Original Message-----
From: Antonio Aparicio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: Anyone still using windows ME

Well OSX runs just fine on my G4 1 gig. Do you own a Mac? Nobody said OSX was 64 bit either. As far as I am aware the new G5 chips are 64 bit but OSX isn't yet. As to price I think you are wrong, a similarly specced Wintel machine will cost the same or more than a Mac. Did you not hear about the Virginia Tech big mac - the worlds 3rd fastest super computer, at the fraction of the cost of competing systems, including AMD and Intel.

As far as I am aware there is no spy-ware nor viruses on OSX. I
that is by design.


On 18 May 2004, at 16:52, Shawn K. wrote:

OSX flaws... For one thing OSX is hugely processor hungry. For
I'm sorry to say, but it isn't 64 bit either, thats just some BS the
Macintosh marketing department fed you. So before you go ranting on
Microsoft, I think you should pause and think about how Mac's are
way more expensive than an equivalent windows machine, and Macintosh
is just
as likely to lie to you as any other big company. Also, regarding
spyware, that has nothing to do with windows, spyware is a legitimate
software in the eyes of the OS, it's just legitimate software that
spys on
you... Spyware does not exploit a flaw in a the system... It can
easily show up in a friggin Unix supercomputer should someone feel
to write such a program. What would be the use of writing a Mac
Yeah imagine the chaos when artists around the world can't doctor up
image files... It's not quite the same as costing corporations
billions now
is it?? Or using a virus to DOS a large website like SCO and
You couldn't do that writing virii for a Mac, and thats why you don't
them for the Mac.


-----Original Message-----
From: Antonio Aparicio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 11:25 AM
Subject: Re: Anyone still using windows ME

I don't need to. I also use Mac OSX, which is virus free and works
a dream come true. But that doesnt mean that I should not be
dissatisfied with shoddy workmanship. I guess if Windows were a small
bit player I would give them some more slack - but the market leading
de facto world standard in computing? I think they should be doing
betterl, a lot better.
On 18 May 2004, at 17:17, Bill Owens wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Antonio Aparicio" Subject: Re: Anyone still using windows ME

What happened, did I run into a room full of Microsoft
something? All I said was that Windows was a substandard operating
system and that it was riddled with viruses and spyware and that
users deserved better, especially given the money the company

If you're so dissatisfied, invent an operating system to replace it.


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