Actually, if / is set user "root". Nothing would happen. The command would have to be rewritten slightly to do what you mentioned. I think I will not say specifically how, to save Cotty having problems (GRIN), though almost any book on Unix Systems Administration would have a warning about it. I would think, even then, Apple probably has it set up so you need a password to do it. However, we all know about default passwords don't we?

BTW, rm -rf will follow links, one should be very careful in using it.


John Francis wrote:

Antonio Aparicio wrote:

Yeah, given you would have to log on as root it sounds like a non-issue

Really?   What do you think would happen if you did this?

  1) Open up a terminal window (while logged in as yourself, not as root)

  2) Type the wildcard delete command in that window, and hit Enter.
     (I'm not spelling out the command here, just in case anybody
     stupid enough to actually try it is reading this message)

Maybe it wouldn't successfully delete the operating system files.
But it would delete every single one of your data files.  That's all
your images, email, documents, sound clips, bookmarks, address book,
etc., etc.   Personally I think that's rather more than a non-issue.

-- graywolf

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