Interesting. I had considered doing the same thing to my SMC 400/5.6. I
purchased an A-2XL and then discovered that the snout was too wide to
fit inside the rear baffles. But like the 200/2.8, the rear element was
far enough forward. I eventually chickened out, however, and bought the
A-2XS (from you Rob, if I recall). In any case, I'd be interested in
your comparison of the two converters. 

Rob Studdert wrote:
> Hi Team,
> I've been naughty :-)
> I was re-organizing my tele-kit and was prompted to do a little
> experimentation.
> Thought: Wouldn't it be nice to be able to use the Rear Converter-A 2X-L on
> my SMCPA*200f2.8, can't though, it won't fit, have to carry the 2X-S just for
> this lens.
> Light-bulb over head: Measure the rear element clearance in the 200f2.8,
> seems to be enough room, 2X-L won't fit though as there are two short light
> baffles that prevent it from seating fully.
> Icky part: Miniature hex point screw driver in hand, remove screws that
> secure the entire rear baffle, slip it out carefully, lens is now looking
> decidedly bald from the rear :-)
> Cool part: Carefully pop the 2X-L on the back of the lens, no bumps, clashes,
> fits perfectly, locks in no problems, looking good. Take the combo outside
> mounted on an LX, no noticeable vignetting, great crisp view through the
> finder, have to do some real performance tests between the two converters
> now.
> Since there seems to be no issue with this coupling optically was the
> addition of the two baffles simply a marketing ploy or what, I can't see the
> baffles being significant optically excepting when the sun is just out of frame
> at the top of the long edge of the frame? Am I now obliged to file off the
> baffles :-(
> Cheers,
> Rob Studdert
> Tel +61-2-9554-4110
> Fax +61-2-9554-9259
> UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
> -
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