You know what?   I don't care.   I killfiled him some time ago, when
it became apparent that the signal-to-noise ratio of his contributions
was as close to zero as makes no difference.

Unfortunately I still get to see some of his self-indulgent posturing
because some people can't resist the temptation, and fall for the bait.
Please don't - paying attention to his little temper tantrums is just
what he wants.  Why let him set the rules by playing the game his way?

Don't reply to his postings.  Read them if you must, although I think
it's a waste of time.  But denying him the attention he craves will
upset him more than any possible reaction.

> I don't think he's a fool anymore actually...  I think he's writing us from
> a mental ward somewhere, and the "newspaper" he's editor of is actually a 4
> page weekly filled with the rants of true raving maniacs.
> -Shawn
> -----Original Message-----
> From: William Robb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 10:46 AM
> Subject: Re: Re: Why can't they just... was Re: Anyone still using
> windows ME
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Antonio Aparicio"
> Subject: [Norton AntiSpam] Re: Why can't they just... was Re: Anyone
> still using windows ME
> > Well Bob, calling someone an idiot is pretty inflammatory in most
> > peoples book, not to mention rude.
> >
> Well, Antonio, Lets take this beyond rude.
> You are a fucking asshole.
> A bombastic piece of shit.
> And a narcisitic sociopath.
> You don't care about anyone other than yourself.
> You have no concern for anyones feelings other than your own.
> Consider yourself lucky that this is an email list, rather than a
> face to face discussion.
> I'd be putting the boots to your head about now.
> I don't suffer fools in silence, and you certainly are a fool.
> Regards
> William Robb

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