----- Original Message -----
From: "aimcompute" <
Subject: Scam or Sham?

> 1)  If my photo was to be in the book, I naturally think I
deserve a free
> copy, don't you?  I haven't been paid anything for the photo
and there's no
> guarantee that I will.  After the two prizes listed above, the
next level is
> $35.00... $25.00 and so on.

No, it's their contest. They get to set the rules. You get to
either play by them, or not play.
> 2) The book is 8 x 11, and from the looks of it there is 6
images per page.
> So the size of my picture that was "selected... because of its
> perspective and artistic vision"  will end up being 2 - 3
inches.  Big whee!

> 3) How "professional" of an approach can this be?  They are
publishing my
> picture in a coffee-table book and are using a low-quality
.jpg file as the
> image source?  That bothers me more than anything else.  You
would think
> they would at least ask for a dup of the slide.

Think of it as a get rich scheme for the publishers.
> The idea of winning a large cash prize intrigues me.  The idea
of having my
> photo published in such a way, possibly alongside other photos
> questionable quality, turns me off big time, and, I think
would degrade my
> work, not elevate it.

Don't you have a state lottery? Buy tickets. If you agree to let
them use your work, think of it as a donation to people you
probably wouldn't like if you knew them.
William Robb

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