> Hi!
> >> I title this "Concentration".She is about to go in for the first round.
> >> 
> >> http://www.caughtinmotion.com/paw/erin_calyn.jpg
> >> 
> Dave, this is very fine memory shot. I'd suggest you show it to your
> daughter say in 10 years <g>...
Thanks Boris.Don't worry i will<g>Its funny.I have very few pictures of her growing
up,being on the 
road 9-11 months a year for her first 16 years,but i seem to be making up for that 

> I wonder what is it this thing on the left from horse ears?

It is part of a horse trailer. It is very difficult to get clean backgrounds at a lot 
these places. 
Trailers,vendors,stalls etc are strewn about. I have some leeway for my jumps but the
candids are 
pretty much hope for the best.
Its funny,all the girls want me to take jump pictures,but throw a lens at them for a
portrait and they run 
a way screaming<vbg>.I have to be quick for these.
> OTOH, my wife also likes this shot!

I thank her.:-)

> Boris


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