Heiko wrote:

> ... I don't think that an high-end SLR can help gaining market shares
> there. Those markets will take P&S and cheap SLRs. If you could sell
> more expensive products there, than you would probably sell digital
> cameras there, too. Further more - Pentax already has "its" high-end
> SLR: the MZ-S and I can't imagine that it has ever helped selling other
> Pentax cameras. I don't think that Pentax could earn any money with a
> newer or even more expensive analogue SLR. But that's only my opinion -
> we'll have to wait and see ;-)

I agree. A high-end Pentax film slr is very unlikely. However, the deal with the MZ-S 
Limited was metal film back and weather sealing. Basically just tweaks. Has this rumor 
been confirmed?


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