Seems like a bit of stretch. Cos. don't tend to chase near term low ROI based on fuzzy long-term rationale Owners/shareholders/investors don't seem to reward such behavior. If a low ROI line is profitable, they might keep it around until it requires more investment to keep the line open, upgrade the product, etc. if its not otherwise detracting from higher ROI products. At least that has been my, product line mgt. experience............

Otis Wright.

Shawn K. wrote:


Not trying to be argumentative but it just occurred to me, that as you
stated earlier, there are still a variety of world markets where film is
dominant.  So it still might be in Pentax's interest to do everything they
can to gain a foothold in those markets by releasing a high-end SLR.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dr. Heiko Hamann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2004 1:48 PM
Subject: Re: New Pentax DSLR's?

I don't think, that Pentax will make the needed investments into the
development of a new high-end SLR. I would rather expect a high-end
DSLR. Maybe Photokina?

Cheers, Heiko

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