The real advantage to a traditional photography education lies in learning about light and exposure. This of course is best accomplished with a manual camera. Darkroom education helps extend the learning process by showing how technique leads to results. Of course the principal is correct in his belief that these skills will soon be useless in the real world for anyone who wants to take photography beyond the hobby stage. Of course digital photography involves the same rules of light and exposure, but I'm sure the students will be using point and shoot digital cameras. I don't know how much control these cameras offer. Perhaps some of the most important knowledge can still be communicated by implementing exercises that call for varied depth of field, backlighting, etc. The ideal solution would be to equip them all with *istDs and K series lenses. That would be like giving them the K1000 of the digital world. As far as digital darkroom skills are concerned, I'm sure this can be a great learning experience. But they should take things beyond the computer screen and make some inkjet prints. I think I'd have to vote for digital in a close call.

On May 25, 2004, at 5:20 PM, Kevin Waterson wrote:

My childrens school is to be offering photography as
a subject. I have talked to the principle about this
and he is very keen about an all digital photo lab
type set up.

He stated that with a darkroom there was could be problems
with Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) with the use of
chemicals and children with asthma. Also as the world was
going digital this would be a real world solution. The
school is well equipped with computers, so there would be
no need to build another (dark)room for processing. Added
to this there is no cost of film.

He did say he could be swayed if there was a compelling
arguement in favour of film. If you have any reasons why
children should be learning in a darkroom, I would love
to hear them and pass them on.

Kind regards

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Kevin Waterson
Port Macquarie, Australia

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