You will be welcome to use my *ist D cable (if I know where it is) on GFM.
I use only a card reader and CF cards.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tanya Mayer Photography" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 4:46 PM
Subject: tan is a dickhead...

> yes, i am!  here i was thinking i was little miss organised, finally got
> myself set up in my hotel room, here in LA, got online, organised my
> clothing/suitcases etc and then thought "i'll go and update my online
> journal and download some of the pics i have in my camera..."
> Anyone hazard a guess at what I left behind in Australia?
> Yep, that's right, my *istD USB cable!!  Then I had another brainwave and
> thought, oh, its ok, I have a pcmcia card reader in my lappy - but of
> course, tan has been using only the 4gb hitachi microdrive and it won't
> in the pcmcia card!!
> grrrrrrrr!
> So, my poor kids aren't going to be able to see any pics of me until I get
> my hands on a cable.  Anyone have a spare that they will be bringing to
> tan.

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