So far, I've found a good quality set of headphones more satisfactory than speakers suitable for travel. Friend has devise that allows use of more than one set of headsets while maintaining impedance match for player -- forget the brand. Just my experience. In my opinion, IPOD and the like are great travel/walking/outdoor event companions.

Otis Wright

Shel Belinkoff wrote:

Hi Gang ....

Call me slow, but I just discovered how easy it is to copy CD's to the hard
drive using the Win Media Player. It's pretty much all automatic, and it
astounds me how much info is on the disk. This opens the door to copying
music to some sort of portable device for use in the car and while
travelling. What sorts of devices, apart from an iPod, can be used for
this purpose? Does MP3 or MP4 (that's the format, right?) sound pretty
good compared to a home system or a good sound system on the computer? What do you do for speakers on the road?

Thanks for any help or suggestions.

Shel Belinkoff

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