On Sat, 14 Apr 2001 19:18:27 -0700 (PDT), helen davis wrote:

>Dear group,
>I've been enjoying keeping up with list activity, but
>haven't subscribed for awhile.
>One reason for my re-subscribing now is my increasing
>urge to investigate the setting up of a web sight.
>Other than the rush derived from "showing off", I
>wonder about their relative effectiveness in terms of
>After you get past your initial reaction of; "it all
>depends...", dare anyone give me their vague sense of
>the success (relative term) one might expect?
>An EXTREMELY naive question of course, however I'd be
>grateful for your learned responses.

A website's effectiveness, like any form of advertising, and let's face
it that is what a web site is there for to advertise a product, depends
on it being seen by those who might buy your product.  You can simply
set up a website and list it on all the major search engines and wait,
but the best use of a website is to give prospective customers more
information than they can get from other forms of advertising.

The main part of my website is full of pictures of small intertidal
marine animals.  Most of which are scientific in nature and not the
artistic type of picture that I prefer to take, and that most people
like to look at, but that's not why I'm doing it.  It's also not
advertised except through search engines and a few other related sites
with with links.  I still get people asking for permission to use my
pictures for educational purposes, and for that I give permission as
long as the copyright stays on.

Basically websites can be extremely effective, but you have to get
people there first.



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