> > On Thu, 3 Jun 2004, John Francis wrote:
> > 
> > > In any case, the MZ-S came out long after autofocus was prevalent.
> > > I don't want to wait that long for a better DSLR than the *ist-D.
> >
> > I cannot believe the PZ-1p was that bad a camera.

John Francis:

> Try using one in the rain and you might change your mind :-)
> For some things, though, it's still better than the MZ-S. It's
> got a faster shutter speed, higher frame rate, etc., etc.

Also, it can change aperture from either the lens or the body, making it 
compatible with all the lenses Pentax made -- with and without aperture rings, 
with and without an A on the aperture ring.

> But Pentax never even suggested the PZ-1p was a pro-level SLR.

I think they did, actually. (Check the Pentax USA page on the PZ-1p. Look at 
both "Overview" and "Applause.") But I got chewed out on this list once before 
for pointing this out, so, to be quite clear: I am not offering an opinion on 
whether it IS a pro-level camera, only pointing out that Pentax did, indeed, 
suggest it is.


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