> > On Thu, 3 Jun 2004, John Francis wrote:
> > 
> > > In any case, the MZ-S came out long after autofocus was prevalent.
> > > I don't want to wait that long for a better DSLR than the *ist-D.
> > 
> > I cannot believe the PZ-1p was that bad a camera.
> > 
> > Kostas
> > 
> Judging from the PZ-1 (which I have owned for eight and a half years) it 
> wasn't in any way a bad camera.
> SERIOUSLY under-advertised, however.

See my other reply in this thread viv-a-vis the merits of the PZ-1p/MZ-S/LX.

A PZ-1p (with the 28-105) was the camera that got me back into photography
after something over 10 years - I bought a Super Program in 1983, but found
myself using it less and less.  I'd looked at the new Pentax offerings from
time to time, but saw very little to tempt me until the PZ-20 and the PZ-1.
I was trying to decide which of them to get when the PZ-1p was announced.
That made the decision quite easy!

That PZ-1p has served me well over the years - originally backed up by my
faithful MX (bought over 25 years ago), and later as the second camera
to complement an MZ-S.  Nowadays it stays at home if I'm only taking two
bodies - the MZ-S is generally a better choice for what I do than the
PZ-1p (the exception being when I'm shooting in poorly-lit conditions).

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