----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lon Williamson"
Subject: Re: photography vs cameras

> I dunno.  It's possible to turn this arguement upside down.
> Photoshop is not exactly an easy take.  Read any understandable
> smart flash manuals recently?  One hundred plus pages of Japanese-
> To-English that makes you think that flash is one hell of a lot
> smarter than you are.  Cameras and lenses that _crash_, for Pete's
> Sake......

So you now need to be a computer whiz rather than a photographic
technologist to be a competent photographer.
Kinda changes the whole concept of photography, no?
It's a trend I started noticing when the AF SLR's started hitting the
The cameras got more difficult in direct proportion to the
photographic skills they were replacing.

William Robb

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