How could Tom's pics be pro-Reagan?   Tom showed us his views of the event.
I saw nothing "Reagan" in them at all.  Had I been there I would have taken
the same images so I could the sense of what happened at the state funeral.

Jim A.

> From: Antonio Aparicio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2004 00:29:45 +0200
> Subject: Re: reagan cortege
> Resent-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Resent-Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 18:29:51 -0400
> And one of the most unpopular to the rest of the world, particularly
> Latin America (remember Honduras and Nicaragua?) and Iraq (where he
> setup Sadam Hussein with a nice set of weapons to kill his own people),
> or perhaps Afghanistan (where his policies left Bin Laden and co. setup
> and nice little training camp after supporting him and the Taleban with
> weapons and cash to kick out the Russians).
> Sure he helped put and end to the cold war, but he also played an
> important role in sewing the seeds of todays problems.
> Toms pics were nice, pro-reagan patriotic pics - particularly the one
> of the horse.
> Antonio
> On 11 Jun 2004, at 00:18, Bob W wrote:
>> Whether you liked him or not, Reagan was the
>> most popular President in American history and his funeral is an
>> important news event.
>> I thought Tom's photos were excellent, particularly the riderless
>> horse,
>> which I think is as good an example as any I've seen in the press of
>> that
>> image.

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