
My reply in between the lines.

FV> But if anybody feels there is net abuse going on, here is what you can
FV> do:

FV> 00) do not reply to the stupid messages. It just fuels the flame war.
FV> See "Godwin's law". Ignoring idiots is the best way to make them shut
FV> up.

Oh yes, that's for sure.

FV> 0) contact the list owner. I do not know if anybody has been ever
FV> blacklisted from the PDML, as we were lucky we haven't got our share
FV> of trolls.

Honestly, such idea never occurred to me.

FV> 1) contact him personally. Just look on his website (strip the string
FV> before @ and add "www"), there is contact information.

Did it few times on various occasions.

FV> 2) complain to his ISP. You can use WHOIS to find out all sort of
FV> things about him. By this form of abuse, he is certainly breaching
FV> both his ISP and mailservice useragreements, by abusive behaviour on
FV> the net. He could get his account suspended for this.

Fascinating idea as well. Seriously.

FV> Just enter the domain name into the below form:

FV> One of the many online whois forms is here
FV> http://centralops.net/samples/AutoWhois.vbs.asp

FV> You can see his webhosting service, which might or might not provide
FV> his email address as well. And you can see the other contact
FV> mailaddress. I do not know which one he used to post to PDML.

FV> You can of course do the above points in any order deemed fit.

Will surely save this message for further reference.

On the side note. I spent some time thinking of most recent accidents.
I really think they were accidents.

Here what I think would be correct about this list or any other such

1. We may have different opinions but we have to live with that fact.
2. There is very little chance that I can convince the other person of
my opinion and vice versa.

So, I say A, you say B. I may want to ask you why B? And you may want
to ask me why A? So we talk a little about these A and B. That's it. I
may learn something in the process. You too. The mere fact that B
exists can already be worth my while. Same for you and A.

So why get to name calling? Why id theft? Why all this? It is not
amusing. It is just stupid.

Well, seems like my rant is off.

P.S. Frantisek, obviously I am not turning to you in person.


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