Hi Kristian!

Thanks so much for your very CONSTRUCTIVE comments...

Just wanting to clarify the first shot you mentioned - #088 - I *think* we
are meaning the same shot here, but I'm not totally sure...

The reason for my uncertainty is that if it is the shot that I think it is
( http://www.tanyamayer.com/tan/_igp5088_std.jpg ).  Then there is no
backlighting at all.  In fact, the redness that you see is just the colour
of my hair, and possibly some warmth from the tungsten lighting.  I lit this
shot using only the modelling light in my monobloc, through a large softbox
that was really close to my face (in fact, it was barely out of frame). I
totally agree about the cropping suggestion, and will do that shortly.  What
I love about this shot, is the weird angle and low depth of field, resulting
in my hair appearing soft as it falls.  Also, the general concensus from
most has been that the makeup appears to be too dark or "red" in that
particular shot.  However, this is the effect that I love!  I wanted COLOUR
in these shots, with the makeup being the main feature (hence, lack of
accessories/and or colour in the background etc).  It isn't to every body's
taste, but hey, that's what makes it fun!

As for 040 being your favourite - I have had many varied reactions to this
shot.  I am actually quite ambivalent about it myself, not really knowing if
I like it or not.  What I DO like about it however, is the low depth of
field with only the strands of hair being in focus, and my eyes not.  I
agree with you about the strand of hair over the eyes, and it took me many
shots to get that hair to fall just where I wanted it to! lol.

Thanks for commenting!


-----Original Message-----
From: Kristian Walsh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 15 June 2004 2:02 AM
Subject: Re: hehe, I've been at it again...

Hi Tan,

088 is very nicely lit - particularly like the effect of the red
backlight (?) on your hair. If it were my pic, I'd crop it (or move
closer when taking) to the top-right corner, and lose the white area at
the left, otherwise an excellent portrait.

040 is my favourite of the bunch, but more for the quirky composition.
I like the single stray hair across your right eye (viewer's left).

Nice pics.

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