
as explained below, the seventh pin makes the difference between 'A' and 'F' in
this respect. has all this and much more - not quite easy to
find, though. From the main page you select 'Technology' on the left, then
'K-Mount Evolution, Features and Operation'. On the bottom of this page you can
then click on the various K-mount variants and you get thorough explanations
and diagrams.


Zitat von John Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> >
> > William Robb wrote:
> > > When the lens is off A, the electrical contacts are disabled, and the
> > > lens has no electrical communication at all with the camera.
> > > It's not just AF cameras. The Super Program is the same way.
> >
> > Having switched to digital and no longer having any film camera bodies I
> > can't check this - but I could have sworn that F and FA lenses on an AF
> body
> > gave an aperture readout on the camera at all times (but A lenses didn't).
> But that's because they communicate this information via the digital
> readout pin, not via the mechanical aperture coupler.  As far as I know
> Pentax have never made a camera that used the maximum-aperture value
> (read from the A-mount contacts) and the aperture-delta value (from the
> aperture coupler) to calculate the actual lens aperture setting.

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