> William Robb wrote:
> > When the lens is off A, the electrical contacts
are disabled, and the
> > lens has no electrical communication at all with
the camera.
> > It's not just AF cameras. The Super Program is the
same way.

This is right only for A-lenses. When the aperture
ring is set off A the "A-contact" retracts and the
contacts seem to be disabled . 

John Francis wrote:

> But that's because they communicate this information
via the digital
> readout pin, not via the mechanical aperture

Apart from this 7th digital read-out pin there is
another difference between A and F/FA lenses. The "A"
contact of the F/FA lenses does not retract when the
aperture ring is set off A. So all contacts seem to
remain connected even when the lens is set not to A. 

Interestingly, as far as I remember, also with F/FA
lenses the SFX does not show the aperture number on
its display when the lens is off A , while newer
cameras do. 


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