Actually, I bet it's a fair sample of serious amateurs.  Many serious
amateurs in the US spend enough money on their gear to include a DSLR,
if they want one.  Most of the these folks don't use Pentax, although
the PDML get-together lead to an over representation of Pentax.  For
that matter, we might under represent the DSLR ownership since Pentax
doesn't have a low end DSLR yet.

> At the Grandfather Mountain Nature Photography Weekend, which is a
> film-only photo competition, fully 40% of those surveyed own a DSLR.
> (Out of 160 participants, 104 completed the survey.) That's vastly
> higher than I expected.

True, but I'm betting GFM was a skewed sample of photographers.  How
of them also own multiple film cameras?  How many of them own LXen or
MZ-Ss?  For that matter, the fact that they went to (and presumably
for) a photo workshop would suggest that most of the attendees were
more serious than the average amateur.



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