Thanks Boris!

I wish I could try again. The dog is long gone, and the boy is 31. At the age show in the photo, it was rare to get one to slow down long enough to get a photo, let alone both. They were sitting down looking very nice, but when I grabbed the camera, they both gave me the "deer in the headlights" look. As soon as I snapped, the ran off to continue their game with the tennis ball. This is the best I have to remember them by.

Boris Liberman wrote:

DJM> After viewing "Julian Holding Fritz" and all the other recent photos of
DJM> cute  dogs and cute kids, I decided to post my own favorite snapshot of
DJM> this genre:


It does not seem you succeed this time either. The boy is very
surprised. I think I would crop on the right until it became a square.
And the dog is quite serious. You know - I am being photographed for
the first time of my life, I must look serious kind of seriousness.
It is funny, but I think I would try it few more times... It looks
like you are on the way to making some idea happen, but not there just

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