on 02.07.04 16:54, Gianfranco Irlanda at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi guys and gals,
> I'm in the mood to purchase a 16-45, but I'd like to hear some
> first hand experiences from those who own it and made a side by
> side comparison with at least one of the lenses above.
> I recall somebody said that the 16-45 is definitely sharper than
> the 24-90 at similar FL, is it true?
> I'm mainly interested in the performance wide open.
> Another thing: the Italian importer has no 16-45 readily
> available, but I've found a shop in Naples that has a couple of
> *ist D and, among several lenses, at least a 16-45. They ask 469
> Euro for the lens alone. Is it good?
> As usual, many thanks in advance.
Hi Giafranco,
I don't have DA 16-45/4 yet, but you could be interested in this link (just
use translator like babelfish):
Tests are fully independent and objective as they are made by... computer
program - DXO Analyzer :-) In short 24-90 is quite sharp, but noticably
worse at open apertures than DA 16-45 and FA has quite a big loss of
sharpness in corners as compared to homogenous results from DA. DA suffers
only from its chromatic aberrations in corners - they are quite noticable
between 16-45mm. Otherwise they claim DA performance is similar to Nikkor DX
17-55/2.8 (~1400USD lens...). It is also worth looking at the tests of FA
43/1.9 limited, FA 35/2 and FA* 85/1.4 (on following  page) and compare
results. Interestingly - according to these tests FA* 85/1.4 is sharper at
f1.4 than 43 Ltd. at f1.9...

Best Regards

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