On 6 Jul 2004 at 19:36, Bob W wrote:

> Another aspect to consider is this: however many cigarettes people stub
> out on a coated lens, and however many rubber erasers they clean it up
> with, you can still f_ck up the front element big time in an infinity
> of unimaginable ways. A filter offers a significant amount of
> protection. Believe me.

About the only time I tend to use filters for protection is from wind borne 
sand, metal hoods have saved my front elements more than a half dozen times.
I'm prepared to wipe my lenses clean more than I'm prepared to spend virtually 
the cost of another DSLR body on high quality filters. The PF filter for my 
A300/2.8 alone is US$ 239.95 from B&H :-(

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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