Hi Doug,

Well I have been using the internet since Telnet and IRC, some 20 years ago and all I can say is that there is something wrong with this list. Emails are clearly not getting through. I am not the only one to experience this. Instead of berating me for raising the issue, or blaming me for not addressing a message properly (something I have not done), it would be helpful if you would at leas say you will look into the issue, rather than making arrogant comments about Gatesian conspiracies - something neither I nor anyone else who is having problems has even mentioned.


The software works fine; a message comes in, gets readdressed to the list subscribers,
and is sent out. Once it leaves the server, any number of things can happen to it that
is not under the software's control, or mine. Sometimes the email doesn't make it. If
you've never lost a message, it tells me two things. 1.) You're extremely lucky, and
2.) you haven't used email for very long. I have nearly twenty years in the wired
world that tells me shit happens and there's very little you can do about it.

If a message is properly addressed and formatted (no guarantee, as I see bounced and
mis-addressed messages every day) and the software sends it out to the list, then it
has done its job. If User X gets the message and User Y doesn't, then there is
something in the pipeline between the list software and User Y that is fouling things
up, because the software doesn't pick and choose which users to send the messages to;
it simply adds the subscriber address to the address field and sends it on.

You are, of course, free to believe what you wish, but keep one thing in mind while
you do so: I am involved in the list intimately every day. Even on vacation, if I have
access to the web, I check to make certain it is running properly. I will decide
whether or not something is "clearly wrong," and then act accordingly. No amount of
hand-wringing over imagined Gatesian conspiracies is going to change that.

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