lol!  personally, if it were me, i would've just said "beware, these pics
contain boobies!"

btw, i don't think that the baring of any skin in these pics is remotely
offensive, i could however see how the phallic nature and "story" behind the
pics may be misconstrued by some (not me! hehe)...

tan. *the open minded* ;-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob W [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, 12 July 2004 5:13 PM
Subject: Re: PAW: Temptation of Eve, the three shot series


>  but the two new
> pictures do depict female upper body nudity, so if that offends you
> please don't look.

I am deeply offended by the phrase 'depict female upper body nudity',
which should read 'show breasts'. In future please clearly label any
posts which include examples of violence to language so that I don't
have to look.

Here is a story that Alistair Cooke told in a 'Letter from America':

Talking of which glittering scenes reminds me of Winston Churchill's
encounter with an American turkey dinner. As a young soldier of 20 he
pulled his mother's apron strings, who pulled other powerful strings to
get him released from his regiment in order to go off to Cuba and watch
the turn of century fighting there. On his way he passed through New York
and was invited to dinner by a society hostess friend of his mother's.

Poised over the turkey the hostess said: "Which, Mr Churchill, would you

"Er," he said, "I should like the breast."

"In America," the lady rebuked, "we talk about the white meat and the dark

Next morning a corsage arrived from the 20-year old at the hostess's house.
It bore a little card saying: "Thank you so much for a delightful evening,
I do hope you will wear this on your white meat."

Perhaps nowadays he would ask her to wear it on her female upper body.


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