Sounds like you lost the argument to me and are not big enough to admit it.

Exactly who "classyfied your beleif system as being comprise of hate and being Nazi exactly"? I have seen none of this. You appear to be purposely twisting the facts to make it appear that is the case. When it is not.

Personallly, I think you started this whole argument on purpose as the link to the orignal pictures that started all this where clearly marked as contaning nudity that may offend. No porn "invaded your house" as you had put it. You chose to ignore the warnign and clic on the link knowing that you would then be exposed to naked bodies. What you then did was to launch an attack on the poster and the image as pornographic and brought relition into the discussion. Not very clever, and not unseen nor uncomented upon by many on this list.

And finally, when it is pointed out to you that the Church itself is no angel, has coluded with all sorts of abuses - and yes the Nazi word was mentioned - you then walk off in a sulk acusing us of brandishing you a Nazi...... Well, I think you are a fool if you think anyone in their right mind is gonna buy any of it. I certainly dont.

Oh yes and finally, it is in the nature of an open discussion that the discussion ends when people stop contributing to it. Not when and individual declares it ended.


On 15 Jul 2004, at 00:04, Collin R Brendemuehl wrote:

The initial statement made was along an on-topic theme specifically related to PDML.
But it diverged quickly.

Unfortunately even some normally rational persons digressed into classifying
my belief system as being comprised of "hate" and being "Nazi".
(Alas it's something I've become personally familiar with may times.)
There is clearly no possibility of rational dialog.

I started this thread now it should end.


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